Friday, March 20, 2009

We're in Trouble...

Oh, my cute little Kambrie. She looks sweet and innocent, right?

Yeah, not so much. This little girl has become SUCH a mischief maker lately! Today she stripped down and peed on the carpet; dumped her popcorn all over herself, the couch and the floor and then danced around on it to crunch it all in to the couch and floor; climbed onto her dresser and pulled all of the wetwipes out and decorated her room with them; and smashed girl scout cookies all over the place.

Probably sounds like she goes quite unsupervised. Not so. She simply recognizes the exact moment I am busy with something else, and then she strikes. If I'm cleaning up one mess she's made, she sees it as an opportunity to make another (I try to have her help me clean up, but let's be honest - all she does is smash the cookies and popcorn into the carpet even more!).

I swear, with this girl around, I live in fear of having to use the bathroom! I never know what I'll find upon coming out...
Yep, we're in Big Trouble with this one!


Melanie said...

Oh no! Sounds like when my sister was little. I keep telling everyone that my next one is going to be just like that!

Tamina said...

Hysterical! I definitely can feel for you...Ari is a mischief maker. Ah...these kids what will we do?

Unknown said...

The bright side is that her wild spirit could mean she will be very creative when she is older...