Thursday, February 05, 2009

Bzzzzzz...... and opinions, please!

Kambrie has SO much personality! I love watching and being included in all of her antics. She has always been a fan of making random noises. She thinks just about any sound she makes is pretty clever and funny. Her latest is to make a "Bzzzzzz" sound... CONSTANTLY. She just goes around the house playing and "Bzzzzzz"-ing all day long. It is so funny. At least I can always tell where she is!

She pretty much only stops "Bzzzzzz"-ing when she's getting into something or doing something she's not supposed to do - she tries to be as quiet as possible when she's being naughty. Unfortunately for her, the lack of the "Bzzzzzz" actually clues me in!

I love watching her amazing and HUGE personality develop. I hate that she is growing so fast, but 18 months is such a fun age!
OPINIONS PLEASE: do you like the picture of her above with or without the digital overlay?

Thanks for the input!


allison garcia said...

I like the one on the left better.

keek said...

Oh, she's so cute!! I love that kid, it's amazing to see how much she grows and learns everyday, she has so much personality! I love you all so much. Btw, I think I like the overlay picture better, but she looks adorable no matter what. Peace!

Chris and Heather said...

I personally like the overlay picture, but cute no matter what! :)

Treasure said...

She is soo cute!! I loved the picture. I like the one on the left. I think that is the one with the overlay.

Tamina said...

The cute! But like everyone says...she is a doll.

The Mattson's said...

i also like the one on the left better.